How are things going at the Oaks House?

Interesting question that we get often. “How are things going at the Oaks house?” I normally answer “as good as can be expected, I guess.” Since running a ministry like this is new to us,  we are not sure what to expect or what is normal. It has been a journey of faith. The ladies have been in house for 60 days.  We thank you for your prayers that the ladies would find jobs. According to our Policies and Procedures we desire each lady to be employed within 60 days of entering our program. As of March 1st, not one had found a job, but we are pleased to announce that by the deadline of April 1st, ALL ARE EMPLOYED! Two are working now and one is waiting for her assignment from her employer. GOD IS GOOD!!!!

The ladies have been attending church faithfully along with Celebrate Recovery and the Oaks Bible Study that meets in house on Wednesday evenings. They are busy with sewing classes, yard maintenance and keeping the house clean along with group daily devotions and quiet time.  The women meet with Kay Hoover their financial advisor a couple times a month, and they also meet weekly one on one with their mentors. We can see spiritual growth.  GOD IS GOOD!!!!

Rachel our house manager has been doing a good job. This is new to all of us and together we are trying to figure out what works best and how to implement it. Rachel has a heart for this ministry and states “there’s no place else I’d rather be”. Please keep Rachel in your prayers as she has been dealing with some health issues. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and strength for the journey she is on. We thank God for her and feel blessed to have her on board with us. GOD IS GOOD!!!!

As with any non-profit, finances are always a concern. Much more is going out at this time than is coming in. We are very thankful for each of you whom God has laid this ministry on your heart and have sent a donation. The Oaks Ministry has the opportunity to “possibly” open another house and we are trying to work out all the details.  More houses mean we can help more women but require more funds. I often get calls from organizations that have women that need help, as of now we have no space available. If you would like to help us in this worthwhile cause, please send a check to THE OAKS MINISTRY, 290 Bethel Road, Oxford, PA  19363 or take advantage of our online giving through our “DONATE” page on this site. This will be a great source of encouragement to us. WE in return promise to use your donations to operate the Oaks House Ministry with integrity, accountability and transparency to honor Christ in every way.

We the Board of Directors thank you in advance for your prayers and your financial support. All for HIM and Them!!

(The Oaks Ministry is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law)

Thanks again….

Robin Martin, President




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